Elsewhere, 8/17

Twitch has compiled a list of unfilmable novels… and the directors who try to film them anyways. On a related note, Cracked has put together a list of “The 10 Most Awesome Movies Hollywood Ever Killed”.

I’ve made no secret of my love for jQuery. I’m no hardcore JavaScript programmer, but jQuery was the first JavaScript library that actually made sense to me. Simon Willison, who initially dismissed jQuery as a “cute hack,” has posted a nice overview of jQuery for programmers. It gets a little technical in places, but still, a very indepth look at a very nice tool.

I also love ExpressionEngine, and love it when folks sing its praises and spread the good word. Michael Boyink has begun putting together a series of articles on building an ExpressionEngine-powered website.

Andy Whitman on Harry Potter, James Dobson, and the value of good stories: “It’s unfortunate when the clueless have vast influence, but I honestly don’t spend much time worrying about James Dobson and his woeful misconceptions. Of far more importance to me is the prevailing view in some circles that the Harry Potter books are lowbrow fluff, literature in only the most tenuous sense.”

Múm’s new album is entitled Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy, and will be released by FatCat Records on September 25 in the States. AngryApe has some more details.

Speaking of AngryApe, I recently posted something about Songs of Green Pheasant’s upcoming Gyllyng Street and already, Michael Henaghan has posted his review: “Gyllyng Street proves that Songs of Green Pheasant’s debut was no fluke. If anything, that release was only a statement of intent, a hint of things to come. This album is the real deal.”

“What Is Art Direction (No. 9)” is a reminder that I need to read Jeffrey Zeldman more often: “In conceiving the way this poster would be shot and styled, the art director was not holding the Gap responsible for the war in Iraq. Nor was he or she blaming the viewer. But by carefully echoing the imagery of an ad that epitomizes our comfortably shallow consumer lifestyle, the art director does indict the complacent among us and challenge us think about something besides our next new sweater or iPod.”

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