Don by Chandra Barot (Review)

So completely over the top that it’s nearly an assault, one that makes this nearly 3 hour long movie speed along at a breakneck pace.
Don - Chandra Barot

I thought years of watching crazy kung fu films had prepared me for nearly anything a movie could throw at me. But then along came Indian cinema, which proceeded to kick my butt and leave me grinning.

Don is so completely over the top that it’s nearly an assault, one that makes this nearly 3 hour long movie speed along at a breakneck pace. There’s something incredibly and delightfully surreal about seeing a group of hardened gangsters break into disco-flavored song and dance, especially when you’re watching the movie at 2:30am.

The music is absolutely to die for, full of spaced out funk and crazy synth goodness, and the musical numbers will melt your brain.

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