My Cultural Diet

465 reviews of movies, TV shows, books, restaurants, etc. My own private Goodreads, Letterboxd, and Yelp all rolled into one (more info). Star ratings are 100% subjective, non-scientific, and subject to change. May contain affiliate links, which support Opus.

About a year ago, I finally got around to seeing Ron Howard’s Willow, thus filling what seemed like a significant hole in my childhood moviegoing. Unfortunately, it was rather underwhelming. By contrast, Peter Yates’ Krull — another movie that I missed out on in my childhood — was a much more enjoyable experience. Krull does suffer from some of the same tonal issues as Willow; one minute, the movie’s unremittingly grim, and the next, downright silly (e.g., David Battley’s shapeshifting magician). And given its prominence in the film’s marketing and legacy, I was expecting to see more of the hero’s Glaive weapon. But Krull is ultimately redeemed by its lavish production, be it the stunning outdoor vistas or the incredible set designs (e.g., the surreal hallways and chambers of the main villain’s teleporting space fortress). As for the film’s special effects, they still hold up rather well for the most part, and help sell the film’s unique blend of sci-fi and fantasy. I’d love to see a modern remake, because there’s still so much potential in Krull’s premise, though I’m a little worried that JJ Abrams is apparently behind it.

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